"Dear Housewife,
Hi, I think my case is a little complicated.
We married 5 years ago and there was one emotional affair which we talked about it and have solved ( as I think).
We recently immigrated to Australia and my husband repeatedly says that he likes to have sex with Asian women ( no one in particular) should I take this as an alarm?
I feel I lost my self esteem here and am not attractive to anyone while I see women are interested in him. I actually think if he cheats on me I can not fire back and should continue with him anyway and this makes me sick. Any advice?"
Dear Reader,
I feel for you, and I am sorry that you have found yourself in this situation.
Your husband may just be trying to open up to you about his feelings and not necessarily mean that he actually wants to have sex with asian women, but that he is attracted to and may fantasize about asian women.
Either way, I would talk with him to find out what his actual intentions are of telling you.
What does he expect you to do with this information?
A new place can often times be scary and if you are not actively engaged in other activities outside of your marriage like work, exercise, or other activities; then your mind may roam to think the worst.
I would find things that interest you and give you boost. Even if it is just going for a manicure or a new haircut, it is doing something for yourself and will boost your mood.
Communication is so valuable to a marriage, and is the key to a lasting and loving relationship. Talk with your husband in an open, honest and loving way about things that are bothering you. Let him know that you just want to share your feelings and aren't accusing him of anything, because if you do, then he may react in a defensive manner and will shut down. This is not what you want.
I do wish you both the best of luck in your marriage and hope that you are able to work things out. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
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